Data & Code
- Li (2024), When the Thin Bench Gets Thinner: Investment Bank Consolidation and Municipal Finance.
- Gertler, Green, Li, & Sraer (2024), The Welfare Benefits of Pay-As-You-Go Financing.
- Reusable files:
- “randsample_gpu.m”: A GPU-accelerated version of Matlab’s stats/randsample function
- “simulate_gpu.m”: A GPU-accelerated version of Matlab’s econ/dtmc.simulate function
- “SMM_rs0_global1.m, SMM_rs0_local.m”: A working example of TikTak Global Optimizer in Matlab
- Reusable files:
- Gopalan, Li, & Žaldokas (2024), Board Connections, Firm Profitability, and Product Market Actions.
- Reusable files:
- “Match_BoardEx_UPCPrefix.ipynb”: Codes for the matching between GS1 and BoardEx by firm name
- Reusable files: